On Saturday the 17th…

These Youth & Family Achievement (YAFA) classes will be held. Registration is not required, and parent or guardian must be present. Location of classes onsite will be determined at the event – listen for the herald or check with the registrar when you arrive.

  • 10-11 am Field etiquette class for youth
    Intstructor: HL William Tarrel

    While this class is not part of the Youth and Family Activities curriculum give your youth a chance to find out what happens on the field, how to be safe, and what the martial in charge does!
  • 11-12 pm Heraldry Youth and Family Activities Division 1 class.
    Instructor: Baroness Vivien

    Come learn the basics of what heraldry is and how we use it in the SCA and in life!
  • 1-2 pm Siege Weapons Youth and Family Activities Division 1 class
    Instructor: Baron Aedan

    Come learn about siege weaponry and why it was important in the medieval period.
  • 2-3 pm Textiles Youth and Family Activities Division 1 class
    Instructor: HL Beak Bell of Dumfries

    Come and learn the basics regarding textiles. What was cloth made of and how was it made. Even make your own little pouch to take home!